I am a believer of the most high God, the Father and Creator of us all. I am a Wife and Mother to four beautiful and intelligent beings. I am a naturally curious thinker. I love stories and conversation. Those things combined are what led to me starting Dee Juxtaposition.
This blog is not just a hobby for me. It is more than putting pencil to paper (typing). It is something I have had a desire to do for a long while. However, doubt and a procrastinating spirit prohibited me from doing this years ago. While I had a plan and ideas to start, I failed to follow through. This is not a one on - one off thing for me.
Dee Juxtaposition is more than a blog about nothing. It is about my life, my achievements, and my ambitions. It is me sharing personal stories, perspectives, and opinions of all things: music, entertainment, current world events, fashion, travel, food, and more.
I hope you find positive reflection and inspiration in the content as you enjoy Dee Juxtaposition.

Other Things
Christian Brothers University Alumni
Public Safety Professional
Emergency Number Professional
Emergency Communications Manager
West Memphis Blue Devil
Junior League Memphis Member
Bluff City Toastmaster